Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Whitney Frank Photography

I feel so blessed because one of my oldest, dearest friends is the mastermind behind the camera of local business Whitney Frank Photography.

She has captured some of my most important life moments.  My second son is due in December and she is already armed and ready to snap his sweet little mug!

Do yourself and your memories a favor and call her!!


What are you waiting for?!?!?!?! Book her!! Love Her!! And Whit, if you are reading this, please know that I love you and you have truly blessed my life.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

One Fish, Two Fish, A 1st Birthday Wish

Truth: 1st birthdays get WAY OUT OF HAND.

Truth: 1st birthday parties are more for the mommy

Truth: Jackson is BEYOND blessed and loved.

We celebrated Jackson's 1st birthday Dr. Seuss style. It was fun and fairly inexpensive thanks to our families, our church family and friends that helped.

Birthday Stats (mostly for my memory)
-it was outside
-it was hot
-there were 50+ friends and family who came
-we ate burgers, potato salad, fruit
-Jackson did not eat as much cake as I expected
-we used 30 little goldfish for centerpieces (the heat caused casualties)
-Jackson got an equal amount of toys and clothes
-2 hours is the perfect length for a 1st birthday
-we opened gifts after the guests left which was great
-we could not have done it all without the help of our families and friends

 1st Birthday success!! Happy Birthday Son.  I could physically burst with joy over who you are!


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Some Catch Up - 12 months of success

Like stated in my last post....I am inconsistent.  I may start to to catch up....no promises though.  I have found I had more time to write when "The Boss" was not as mobile and took multiple naps a day.  We are down to only 1 nap a day, which is the saddest thing for a SAHM.  I felt like having a funeral for my free time and wearing black for a week in protest.  Neither of which would change Jackson's mind about his naps.  SAD.  Pity party over.  Back to the post. 


12 things I have learned in the first 12 months of Jackson's life
1) Mommies get to sleep again.....eventually......until the next phase decides to disrupt it....again.

2) Nothing goes 'according to plan' or how the book says it will or how other kids do it.  They change everything just as you are finally getting used to it.

3) I am a toddler mommy

4) Jackson is by far the best thing I have ever done

5) New mommies put way too much pressure on themselves

6) Jesus is the only way I could ever be a successful mommy

7) Feeding a toddler is often as hard as feeding a non-latching newborn

8) Time-outs often start sooner than expected

9) When Jackson falls, he learns to do it differently next time. Falling is good

10) My children will be older kids longer than they are younger kids so all hard stuff in the beginning isn't so bad

11) Shots are easier when they are newborns

12) Mommies and Daddies need to be on the same team/page to ensure success

**Bonus Lesson** In the first 12 months I have eaten a lot of crow (humble pie) are you tracking with me.  Being a mommy is HARD!