Saturday, December 15, 2012

Santa Baby

It's that time of year when mommies worldwide haul the kids off to get the perfect holiday memory captured on film - THE SANTA PICTURE!!  Most mommies hope and pray that their kids behave so that they will have spent their money on a great moment in time.  I, on the other hand, think that a 'screaming Santa picture' is money spent just as well spent as a smiling Santa picture.  Last year Jackson was 7 months old and didn't mind seeing Santa.  This year he is 19 months and has an newly found opinion about many things that happen in his little life - including Santa.  We were golden when Santa first arrived, Jackson liked the bells, the 'ho-ho-ho's' and waving.  He even was dancing!!

*Insert premature thoughts of this ACTUALLY being a smiling a picture**
(I kinda wanted the screaming one)

His attitude changed when Santa was close enough to touch him.  I looked at the 'elves' and said 'ok girls on 3, start snapping'. 

*This is where other mommies may not force their kids to sit with Santa - I am not she*

People, I give you this little gem......

And I will leave you with this little side-by-side......

!!Merry Christmas!!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

We are not supposed to do it all....just do our best! GREAT ARTICLE!

My fellow pregnant friend and I were talking about the nerves that rattle a little  a lot before your baby arrives.  She has a few more nerves than me at the moment because it is her first and this is my second (I already know she (and I) won't mess everything up even though she doesn't know it yet).

I read this article ''Why Your are Not Failing as A Mother'  thanks to my friend Becky and loved the crazy truth behind it.  We never fail in the roll of mommy as long as we are doing all the things we can to raise good kids.

Keep going fellow Mommy-friend! God paired us with our children to better the world, lets agree with Him in confidence.

Happy Reading!!

He is probably crabbin' in this picture but I see a smile.....don't you?!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Mommies, read it and weep....with laughter

This article 'Think you are ready to have children?' made me literally laugh out loud!! The goat and the octopus parts were my favorite!

It is right on the money and I wish I would have been the one to write such greatness!

He knows he is cute.....knowledge is power....are you tracking with me?