Saturday, December 15, 2012

Santa Baby

It's that time of year when mommies worldwide haul the kids off to get the perfect holiday memory captured on film - THE SANTA PICTURE!!  Most mommies hope and pray that their kids behave so that they will have spent their money on a great moment in time.  I, on the other hand, think that a 'screaming Santa picture' is money spent just as well spent as a smiling Santa picture.  Last year Jackson was 7 months old and didn't mind seeing Santa.  This year he is 19 months and has an newly found opinion about many things that happen in his little life - including Santa.  We were golden when Santa first arrived, Jackson liked the bells, the 'ho-ho-ho's' and waving.  He even was dancing!!

*Insert premature thoughts of this ACTUALLY being a smiling a picture**
(I kinda wanted the screaming one)

His attitude changed when Santa was close enough to touch him.  I looked at the 'elves' and said 'ok girls on 3, start snapping'. 

*This is where other mommies may not force their kids to sit with Santa - I am not she*

People, I give you this little gem......

And I will leave you with this little side-by-side......

!!Merry Christmas!!

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