Friday, February 24, 2012

It appears Punxsutawney Phil was wrong!

A few weeks back that little fortune telling groundhog told the world there were 6 more weeks of winter left.  Um, either he was wrong or the Central Valley did not get the memo.  I am loving this upper 60's lower 70's thing that has set its sights on our little Valley.  I am ok with the spring like weather we have had this February.  It has quicken the post-winter revival that usually happens in my house and soul when the sun starts shining.

The thick jackets have been stashed away
The blinds are being dusted (slowly but surly - I hate blinds)
I have been outside with the baby detoxing from living room floor
Pandora is on more than the TV
My flip flops are sitting by the front door
I have been exercising - oh lawl have mercy
And the best part of this revival are these gorgeous little beauties that I think make my whole neighborhood happy

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