Since becoming a mommy, the phrase 'can I get a redo' has left my mouth more than it used to! This morning was no exception....not only was it a Monday but I needed a redo. Jackson sleeps until about 9 or 9:30am and I have come to cherish my morning times. I will get up around 7 or 7:30 to give myself about 2 hours of 'me time'. I am still running a small dairy so pumping is a part of my early morning 'me time' but like they all say...this too shall pass. Anyways, I got all settled in this morning as usual, opened my Bible and clicked on the machine....5 mins into it, it stopped....I looked at it in horror thinking, I have pumped so many dang times that I broke it!! Not good. Then it resurrected itself as if God called it back to life (wave of relief) but then died immediately (panic)....picture this happening all while I am hooked up...HAHAHAHA - on, off, on, off. Why didn't I take the darn things off? Good grief!! It took me a few minutes to realize the pump was not dying (Praise Jesus) THE POWER WAS GOING OUT....actually by this point the power WAS out (Lord help me)!!!
*Excuse me PG&E.....I have to make my son's breakfast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
What proceeded to happen next was truly just that of dominos....House alarm started beeping that the back up battery was being started barking at my fall scarecrow sitting in the dining room (really dog?!?!), baby is now awake and crying, I still have to pump, dog is still barking....can you picture my Monday thus far. Ok, this mommy had to get it together and figure out how I was gonna finish makin' breakfast for the upset baby in the next room!!
Maybe I could put him in the swing...NO, that requires electricity
Maybe I could turn on Baby Einstein....NO, that requires electricity
Maybe I will just turn his noise maker up to lull him back to sleep....NO, that requires electricity
WHAT DID MOMMIES DO BEFORE ELECTRICITY?? This morning reminded me why the Lord wrote my story for the 21st century, I would not have survived any other era!!
Finally my brain started to overcome the chaos....I have an AC adaptor for my pump in my car!! THAT'S IT!! I hauled my pump out to my dark garage (power is out remember) and climbed in the front seat. I felt terrible for being in the garage while my baby fussed in his crib but nursing mommies know that the milk will not wait! Half way through my pump session I ran into the house to binkie him and make sure he was ok then back out to the garage to finish. One word - CIRCUS! I am happy to report that 20 minutes later, 2 binkie breaks and the help of my 4 horse power engine breakfast was done.
I sat in my car this morning and said, Lord, I need a redo. Guess what He said....'my mercies are new every morning' Lamentations 3:22-24. I (we) get a redo every morning!! I (we) get a fresh start with each new sunrise. Now granted the sun had already rose on this day but I believe God can give us a redo anytime we ask and believe Him for it on top of providing them to us each morning!! How gracious is He. With two feet standing firm on that promise, I felt power despite my powerless house. With that promise on the forefront of my thinking, I had set my sights on the God of redo's and my morning started to turn around. Jesus makes everything better, don't you agree?!?!
Hey PG&E......can the next power outage wait until I am done pumping?!?!